What I have to say.
5 Top Scotch Single Malt Whisky Under €50
Advertisement – The shelves are full, every distillery offers at least three different bottlings, and the old saying “Too much choice can be overwhelming” h…
Zechbauer Cigars & Spirits: A Tradition of Excellence in Munich
Advertisement – On the weekend of October 4th and 5th, I had the pleasure of conducting a special promotion for two exceptional brands, Brandy 1866 and Carlos I, at Zechbaue…
Gift Guide: How to Choose the Perfect Bottle of Spirits
Advertisement – We’ve all been there – a special occasion is approaching, and you need to find the perfect gift for your mother, uncle, or even a business partner. Vouchers are unin…
Best way to drink whisky.
Advertisement – This is perhaps the most common question I get asked at my events: How should I drink whisky? Fortunately, the answer is simple: however you like it! But it’s …
Brandy & Sherry – Spanish Night at Berlin Bottle
Advertisement – On Friday, August 9, Berlin Bottle hosted a tasting event and a fully booked Spanish evening at 7:30 pm in the hallowed halls at Katharinenstraße 26 – …
Whisky & Craft Beer Pairing
Ob nun "a whiskey and a chaser", der "Boilermaker" oder das gute alte "Herrendeck" - sie alle beweisen, dass Schnaps und Bier seit jeher eine feste...
Bushmills Stories
Bushmills lud zur Eventreihe Bushmills Stories in die Nord Coast Coffee Roastery und wir; Journalisten, Bartender und Blogger; waren gern mit von der Partie.…
Supernova 2019 – Go high mit Ardbeg
Werbung – Mittlerweile ist es der 5. Supernova in der Ardbeg Riege: 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015 und nun, nach 4 langen Jahren die 2019 Abfüllung. Was die...
Hachez Chocolade und Whisky
Was ist ein Food Pairing? Die simple Antwort: Eine beabsichtigte Interaktion - in sensorischer Hinsicht - der Speise mit einem ausgewählten...